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Select sets have been updated to be compatible with Vista Windows Mail! Be sure you install the correct version! Single selections not available for Windows Mail; you must install the full set! We are in the process of updating all Funletters for Vista Windows Mail, so some collections may not be available yet.
There are only three steps to using Funletters in Vista Windows Mail!
If used correctly, Funletters will have preset margins and contrasting text color! Be sure to start your typing ABOVE the line that says "Cloudeight Funletters: Bringing FUN to your email FREE!" Click here to see a picture. If you do not want this signature line, simply delete it.
Click here for a Step by Step Picture Tutorial on how to use Funletters! Want to add sound or music? Click here!
All Funletters install to a directory ready for use in your Vista Windows Mail, and will be categorized in folders to make it easy to choose from!
Any variation to the above will NOT work. Do not choose "Create Mail" button, or do not try to format/insert background. For a Step by Step Tutorial, Click Here.
Advanced Users: You can move the Funletters to another folder and categorize yourself, and they will still work correctly. Be sure you always keep the "htm" and "gif or jpg" file for each Funletter in the same folder! All htm/gif/jpg for an individual Funletter will carry the same name for ease in relocating.
All content is copyright ©2002-07 by Cloudeight Internet LLC (all rights reserved) Cloudeight Funletters® is a trademark of Cloudeight Internet LLC Image used on Logo designed by Cloudeight's Official Illustrator Dennis Cox, DJArt