Cloudeight Funletters
"Mouse Roars"
Critters 1
Based on art by Kitty
This Funletters design is based on art by Kitty Roach. Please visit Kitty Roach's online gallery by clicking here. Kitty asks that you use this stationery for your personal emails only.
If you use your Funletters correctly, your mail will look exactly like this page, with the picture in the corner.
If your picture covers the page when you use a Funletter, it means you are not using correctly. Click here for a step by step tutorial that will guide you through the three steps!
Based on original art copyright ©Kitty Roach and used with permission. Funletters design copyright ©2004 by Cloudeight Interent.
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Cloudeight Funletters: Bringing FUN to your email FREE! |